Monday, December 30, 2019

Ready for the New Year?

Are you guys ready for the new year? Rather, the new decade. For me it already feels like 2020, and I'm looking forward to it. 😃 I have some writing goals for this coming year, too. I'm planning on being more organized, writing every day, and keeping up with my freewriting journal. Do you have any writing goals for 2020? Now is a pretty good time to start preparing them.

I want January to be a month of productivity and success. I definitely want to reach a word count of 50,000 in my second novel, Moss the Archer. Also, I want to participate in a 7 day writing challenge (which I will be posting about in a few days), which will hopefully keep me motivated and inspired all throughout January.

Who else is participating in a 7 (or 30) day writing challenge? And what are your writing goals for the new year? Feel free to share them in the comments below.


  1. Me , I'm gonna do the 30 day writing challenge!

    1. Hello Allie Anne,
      That's great! I'll be posting the challenge tomorrow :) It's such a great way to start off the year. Good luck!


Feel free to share your thoughts or ask a question below!

Day Seven of the 7 Day Writing Challenge

Today I'm posting day seven of the seven day writing challenge. Yep, it's done! It's the last day! Thank you so much for stic...