Monday, January 6, 2020

Day Six of the 7 Day Writing Challenge

Today is the sixth day of the 7 day writing challenge, and I have a very inspiring prompt for you all! If you're keeping up with the challenge, I hope it's going well for you. (I also hope that it's helping you overcome writer's block.)

I was sitting on my computer this afternoon when today's prompt finally came to me (yes, I was experiencing a bit of writer's block myself). It definitely inspired me to write--a lot more than I expected it to.

Shall I get to it?

Write a poem about a hard time in your life.

This should inspire you to get out your paper and start writing. We all go through hard times, right? It could be something you're going through right now, something that you just went through, or something that you went through three years ago.

Also, if you don't consider yourself poetic or if writing poetry just isn't your thing, don't be turned off. Remember: all poetry doesn't have to rhyme. You can write a poem as a long paragraph, or you can break it up with lines and stanzas. It's up to you. I actually prefer writing prose, poetry that's just a long paragraph without any rhyming.

Try to dig deep within yourself and write about something that's difficult to write about.

Were you inspired by this prompt? I'd love to hear your opinion in the comments below. 😃

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Day Seven of the 7 Day Writing Challenge

Today I'm posting day seven of the seven day writing challenge. Yep, it's done! It's the last day! Thank you so much for stic...