Friday, January 3, 2020

Day Three of the 7 Day Writing Challenge

Day three of the 7 day writing challenge is here! Who's ready to write?

I hope yesterday's prompt really got you writing--it inspired me for sure. I felt like it brought out a part of me that I didn't know was there. It's weird how writing can do that, isn't it? If you missed yesterday's prompt, you can find the link here.

How is the fresh month of January going for you? I hope the year of 2020 is starting off great for you; I have plenty of goals, and I planned to write 1000 words in Moss the Archer on the first day of January. However (due to either laziness or a tinge of writer's block), I ended up staying up late and watching an episode of Downton Abbey. Kind of a bad time to rewatch one of my favorite tv series, right?

Especially because I was in one of those moods where I didn't really feel like writing, but I knew that if I sat down at my computer, I could get a lot of revising done. Oh, well.

Anyway, are you guys ready for the prompt?

Write a letter to your future self.

This is another deep prompt that will hopefully inspire you to write. Yesterday for the second day of the 7 day writing challenge, we wrote a letter to our ten-year-old self. Now we have the chance to write a letter to our future self--and it can be as many years in the future as you wish. I think I'm going to write mine to my eighteen-year-old self.

Well, the best of luck to you! 😊 I'd love to hear what you think of this prompt and whether or not it inspired you to start writing.

Are you participating in the 7 day writing challenge? Are you ready to become a better writer this year? Have you completed day three of the 7 day writing challenge? I'd be glad to hear what you have to say in the comments below. 😊


  1. This really inspired me to write , a whole lot more than I thought it would! Great prompt 👏

    1. Allie Anne, I'm so glad! Yeah, it inspired me more than I expected, too. Thank you! :)


Feel free to share your thoughts or ask a question below!

Day Seven of the 7 Day Writing Challenge

Today I'm posting day seven of the seven day writing challenge. Yep, it's done! It's the last day! Thank you so much for stic...